I, INSUREDNAME, Policyholder of Alpha Insurers under Policy Number CKI-POLICYNUMBER-AA Effective Date EFFECTIVEDATE to Expiry Date EXPIRYDATE for in consideration of “Free Towing Service” offered by Alpha Insurers, hereby agree on the following terms and conditions set forth hereunder:
I hereby agree and understand that “Free Towing Service” is limited only on my covered automobile(s) with “Full Coverage”.
It is further agreed and understood that the “Free Towing Service” is exclusivelyprovided by “Roadside Service & Towing” (RST)only.
I hereby agree and understand that “Free Towing Service” is limited to “Non-Accident” in the even covered automobile is disabled due to “Mechanical Breakdown”only.
I hereby agree and understand that “Free Towing Service” is limited to “One (1)” time towing service for Each “Full Coverage” automobile insured under the above auto insurance policy number from scene of Mechanical Breakdown to insured’s choice of premises location.
I hereby agree and understand that should the one time “Free TowingService” be used for the policy period stated above, I am entitled to Discounted Towingrate of $40.00 (Full Coverage Car on policy) per tow and $45.00 (Liability Car on policy)per tow thereafter for Mechanical Breakdown (Non-Accident) only.
It is further agreed and understood that “Free Towing Service” is EXCLUDED under this Agreement if the covered automobile is/are the following and/or being operated under the following conditions:
While the automobile being operated by any person who does not hold a valid drivers license;
While the automobile is used for or engaged in racing, race making or speed testing;
While the automobile is being operated by a person committing a felony or who is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or control drugs or substances;
While the automobile is used to transport person(s) or deliver property for compensation of any kind;
While the automobile is used for business or not owned by the Insured.
Motorcycles (FULL COVERAGE/LIABILTY COVERAGE) are EXCLUDED under this Free Towing Service Agreement.
Automobiles being towed to or from inside military bases are EXCLUDED.
It is further agreed and understood that should the covered vehicle be disabled during Non-Working Hours of Alpha Insurers and/or Weekend or Holiday, the Policyholder or operator of covered vehicle shall tender payment to Roadside Towing Service (RSTS) in the amount of $30.00 (Thirty Dollars) as towing service fee and will be reimbursed by Alpha Insurers upon presentation of official receipt by RSTS.
There is NO Free Towing Rollover to the next policy period. Meaning if you do not use your one-time free towing during the policy period, you may NOT rollover you unused free towing to the next policy period. Upon the next policy period, you still only receive One-Time Free Towing on each Full Coverage auto under that policy.
Alpha Insurers reserves the right at any time to terminate this Free Towing Service Agreement as long as a 30 Day written notice is terminate subject agreement is submitted by Alpha Insurers to all insured signed onto this Free Towing Service Agreement.
Along with Roadside’s towing services, Roadside’s 24HR FREE ROADSIDE SERVICESof Key Lockout/Battery Jumpstart/Out of Gas Delivery/Flat Tire change (if you have a spare tire) are availableONLY for Alpha Customer’s with Full Coverage Automobile Policies and only Two (2) Free Roadside Services are allowed per policy year. Should your two (2) Free Roadside Services be used and/or if you have a policy with Liability Only Car, then you must pay the Discounted Roadside Services rate of $25.00 Flat Rate for each one-time service.
Schedule of Covered Automobile(s)
Vehicle Description (Year/Make/Model)
License Plate #